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Constructive Admonition: Islamic Principles for Positive Moral Guidance

Published by ArayaWeddingPlanner on

Admonition is a crucial principle in Islam that fosters morality and unity within society. Effective admonition should stem from pure intentions, kindness, and compassion, free from negative emotions or personal desires (Nafs) that may lead to undesirable outcomes. This ensures that both the admonisher and the listener feel understood rather than pressured or judged.

What is Nafs?

Nafs refers to personal feelings that often lead to impulsive decisions, such as anger, jealousy, or judgment without mercy. When admonition is driven by Nafs, it often makes the listener feel diminished, failing to yield positive, long-term results.

Principles of Admonition in Islam

The Quran and Hadith encourage Muslims to admonish others with kindness and respect to achieve constructive results. Examples include:

1. Use Polite and Constructive Language

In Surah Al-Isra (17:53), Allah says:

“And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces dissension among them.”

This verse emphasizes the importance of gentle words to reduce conflict. Polite and sincere admonition helps the listener be more receptive.

2. Show Mercy and Forgiveness

In Surah Al-Imran (3:159), it is said:

“It is by the mercy of Allah that you are lenient with them. If you had been rude or hard-hearted, they would have dispersed from around you.”

Gentleness helps the listener feel respected and more open to receiving advice.

3. Mind Your Words and Control Your Emotions

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak what is good or remain silent.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

If admonition cannot be given in a positive manner, remaining silent may be preferable to prevent a negative impact on the listener.

Methods of Effective Admonition

  • Have Pure Intentions, Free from Nafs: Admonition should aim to help others without prejudice or anger.
  • Use Respectful and Polite Language: Polite words make the listener feel respected and comfortable.
  • Choose the Right Time and Place: Admonition is most effective when given privately and when the listener is receptive, helping them feel comfortable and respected.
  • Provide Clear and Practical Guidance: Offer advice that can be realistically implemented, helping the listener understand and improve.


Effective admonition should be delivered with politeness and pure intentions. Constructive and respectful language helps build relationships and promotes harmony within society, adding lasting value and positive outcomes.

Additional Note: Before admonishing others, self-reflect to ensure that your actions set a positive example.

Categories: Blog-EN


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