What is Marriage Truly About?

Marriage is fundamentally a covenant between spouses with two primary frameworks:

  1. Legal Marriage: A binding contract regulated by the state.
  2. Customary-Religious Marriage: A commitment based on religious or traditional beliefs.

What Does the Marriage Covenant Cover?

In a legal context, the marriage covenant includes key areas such as:

  • Marriage Capacity: Age, single status, and consent.
  • Rights and Responsibilities: Mutual care and support.
  • Marital Property: Management and distribution of assets.
  • Support Obligations: Financial support for the spouse and children.
  • Conflict Resolution: Mediation methods.
  • Child Custody: Rights and duties in child-rearing.
  • Divorce: Conditions and post-divorce arrangements.
  • Additional Agreements: Prenuptial agreements, status changes.

Upon entering a marriage covenant, both husband and wife agree to manage their family life together within these principles.

Why Should Women Enter a Marriage Covenant?

Marriage is a journey of love and dreams shared by a couple, but it also brings with it responsibilities and challenges. The marriage covenant becomes a pillar that supports both partners, helping them navigate tough times together without feeling alone.

Why is this covenant important?

  1. When Financial Challenges Arise: During difficult financial periods, clarity about who does what and how family responsibilities are shared helps reduce stress. It provides a sense of security, knowing there’s someone to rely on.
  2. When the Wife Has Children: Having children is joyful but also demanding. The covenant ensures that the husband and wife understand their shared responsibilities, making the wife feel supported as a partner, not just as a mother.
  3. When Conflicts Occur: The covenant serves as a foundation for open communication, understanding, and conflict resolution. It’s a promise that neither partner will leave, even in difficult times, offering mutual emotional support.
  4. When Planning for the Future: Future planning includes assets, inheritance, and family stability. The covenant supports mutual respect in decision-making, helping both partners to feel valued and supported in their dreams and aspirations.

For women, the marriage covenant offers a commitment to care, support, and companionship, ensuring they are not left alone to face challenges and receive genuine support from their spouse.

True Multicultural Families and Conversion: What Does It Mean?

Each person comes from a unique background, culture, and religious belief system. Once married, a couple has to choose the type of covenant that best suits them, whether legal or customary-religious.

An example of a significant mistake is altering a religious covenant. For instance, a Buddhist monk in Thailand cannot marry. Attempting to hold a marriage ceremony that doesn’t align with religious practices is not true multiculturalism, as it disregards established traditions.

Islam emphasizes the husband’s responsibility for the financial support of his wife, differing from a legal agreement. A Muslim man is tasked with providing economic, physical, and emotional protection and creating a safe environment for his family. This is why Islamic marriages are intended to be between Muslims who share the same faith principles, facilitating a harmonious life within those teachings.

Even as Muslims, we don’t ask Buddhist monks to marry because we respect the Buddhist tradition in Thailand. Similarly, we don’t conduct an Islamic wedding without conversion to Islam and learning about the Muslim way of life, out of respect for the Islamic faith. Respect for other religions reflects true multiculturalism, recognizing the reasoning within each religion.

A Pathway for Those Seeking Marriage Without Religious Conversion

If a couple wishes to marry without adhering to religious customs, they may focus on a legal covenant, which Thailand allows without a conversion requirement. However, managing family conflicts systematically is essential, as family plays a vital role in handling challenges that arise, including parenting, finances, and disputes.


Respect for each other’s limits is the essence of true multiculturalism. Whether married under a religious or legal covenant, we must remember that we’re not alone in the world. We should also maintain connections with extended family, even if they hold different beliefs.

No religion or law prohibits us from respecting and honoring others’ beliefs, regardless of differences. Together, we can create safe spaces for interfaith families to coexist harmoniously, a responsibility we should uphold.

Finally, regardless of one’s beliefs, always uphold good manners and respect. Etiquette reflects basic morality, transcending religious adherence.

A Muslim couple during Nikah ceremony in Thailand

“We intend that ARAYA’s activities will aim to assist humanity in living together peacefully and harmoniously, even with religious differences, while supporting those interested in Islam to experience and learn about it without facing coercion or distress.”

Yaoharee Lahtee , Founder

Organize your ARAYA NIKAH wedding in Thailand according to Islamic principles, honoring couples from diverse cultural backgrounds. Click here to learn more.

Categories: Blog-EN

Yaoharee Lahtee

Yaoharee Lahtee

Founder of ARAYA Nikah, a social enterprise and global hub for international Islamic weddings. Creating safe spaces, enriching every Muslim family's bond with understanding and justice, because a strong start builds a sustainable life.


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